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"I had been to Mexico City before back in 1965 when on a tour of North America, so was not too bothered that I would have only a few hours there on this occasion. The 60 mile journey, that took two hours, went over a high pass before dropping down into the Valley of Mexico. The view from the top of this pass was quite incredible, with the sight of the city almost filling this enormous valley. On my previous visit the city’s population had been around 4 million, by this visit it had grown to 10 million, in just 11 years.


After booking into a small hotel it was off to the BA office to get my flight confirmed. This achieved I felt content to spend the rest of the afternoon looking round the shops in the centre near my hotel. On my previous visit I had spent 5 days in the city and thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the sights, and though I would have liked to have seen some of them again, it was nice to feel I would not really be missing anything by just taking it easy this time. On my last morning, having had a short walk out to visit a building development called the Plaza of three cultures, I returned to my hotel with pleanty of time to collect my bag and take the newly opened underground railway out to the airport. All went to plan until I reached the station, where I was told by a policeman standing at the entrance I was not permitted to take large bags or rucksacks on the train. I tried my best to persuade him to let me through but it was no good, and in the end I decided I would have to take a taxi. Finding a taxi was easier said than done. I looked everywhere and was beginning to get into quite a panic by the time I did find one that was free, and I finally got a ride. By the time we reached the airport I had got about 10 minutes left until take off, only to find I had not got enough local money left to pay the driver and had to give him a £5 note, which he took but said he did not know its value. I think when he got it changed he would have found he had done quite well. After all the panic the plane turned out to be delayed for an hour, giving me the chance to go through the airport formalities in a relaxed manner. It was a pleasant if uneventful flight home giving me the chance to unwind and reflect on what had been for the most part a very enjoyable and interesting trip.


The Plaza above, making use of the existing old Spanish and even older Aztec ruins, this plaza had been designed adding the modern buildings in a way that they would all be in harmony. Though I did not think too much for the later additions I felt the concept had worked quite well." - MH



The Plaza de las Tres Culturas, Mexico City, 1976

  • All items are produced from original paintings by Martyn Hanks.

    Prints:Size is A4 (8.27" x 11.69"/210 x 297mm). Printed onto high quality 245gsm fine art watercolour paper to give the print an authentic look and feel. Supplied in a textured off white mount size 12" x 16" (305 x 406mm), backed and sealed in a clear cellophane wrap and delivered in a protective carton to ensure it reaches you in perfect condition.

    Cards: Size 7" X 5"/178 x 127mm. Packaged in a clear cellophane wrap with a top quality 150gsm self-seal white envelope.

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