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"Old colonial ranch house, now part of a museum.


From Cordoba I decided to take a short cut and try hitching a lift across a byroad to meet the railway at a small town to the north. It was a beautiful day so I started walking, and walked all day. Only 2 cars passed, both full, but it was enjoyable in the rolling hills, reminding me of the Yorkshire Dales. There was no sign of habitation bar a few small farms, and come nightfall I just got my sleeping bag out and slept under a tree; I was glad I had brought some food with me. By the middle of the next day I reached the small town after covering about 40 miles, and arriving with only about an hour to wait for the train up to Tucumán. 


Tucumán was for the most part a nice town. I stayed 3 nights in a small hotel, being shown around each day by some students whom I had met on the ship. One of the problems for Argentina in 1971 was their inflation running at over 100%. I arrived at a bank one afternoon just as the manager had locked the door; when he found I wanted to change English pounds he opened up again, and I am sure he would have kept the pounds for himself." - MH

Tucumán, 1971

  • All items are produced from original paintings by Martyn Hanks.

    Prints: Size is A4 (8.27" x 11.69"/210 x 297mm). Printed onto high quality 245gsm fine art watercolour paper to give the print an authentic look and feel. Supplied in a textured off white mount size 12" x 16" (305 x 406mm), backed and sealed in a clear cellophane wrap and delivered in a protective carton to ensure it reaches you in perfect condition.

    Cards: Size 7" X 5"/178 x 127mm. Packaged in a clear cellophane wrap with a top quality 150gsm self-seal white envelope.

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